Hi, my name is Kevin! You probably already know that from seeing my name everywhere on this site. I wanted to start a blog to document some of my favorite things in life and to share it with those who are interested in the same thing. This first blog post will be your typical "get to know me" post. So, here we go!
Okay, so I know what you guys are thinking. Yes, Krakens are real. Unlike the Loch Ness monster, we exist. For those who don't know anything about the Kraken species, and those who think they know, let me give you a little history lesson.
First things first, no I am no the mighty oversized squid octopus thing that could attack a ship and sink it. Now, my ancestors, yes. But, beware of the things I am capable of.
The Kraken species first originated from the seas near Norway and Iceland. Most people think we only can get up to 50ft but actually, the first of kind were over a mile long. Most of the time the reasons Krakens would attack is because sailors would mistake them for islands! Hello! Wouldn't you attack too? Many scientists have tried to prove we aren't real but the keep finding bones, fossils and stuff to prove that we are! Unfortunately, throughout time, we have gotten much much smaller and get mistaken for squids. Just like every other species, we become more "captive" as you will.
As for me, I am a sweet natured Kraken who just wants to see the world. I love to travel and if you didn't know, everything is free for us! (Woohoo for being a scary mythical but not mythical creature) With that being said, traveling is so easy for me to do. I also love to craft. Hobby lobby and Michaels is my favorite store. Cooking is something I'm not very good at, but who is? I've tried all the latest diet fads and made recipes for them.
A question you might be asking is, "how do you breathe above water?" Well, I'm magic that's why.
I hope you have a little insight of who I am. Let's get together and travel the world! Everybody needs a travel buddy right?